The nature of clothing production has changed radically. With the development of the textile and clothing industry, the company’s approach to clothing has completely changed. A few decades ago, people went shopping for clothes once a season, but later came a change in the form of so-called fast fashion – fast fashion. The fashion industry brought with it a number of negatives and became a dirty and cruel industry. Although it brings a livelihood to many people, incomparably more is earned by the owners of fashion brands. Cheap clothing brings the exploitation of workers and poor working conditions, the suffering of a number of animals, the accumulation of waste in landfills and in the wild, the release of pollutants into the environment, or the production of greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change. So it’s time to change this business and make it more sustainable.
The document is intended for all who want to make a comprehensive overview of current problems and potential solutions in the textile and clothing industry in the world and Slovakia.
The publication is part of the Coherent Europe for Sustainable Development project supported by EuropeAid and a coherent Europe for Sustainable Development: Supporting policies that will bring about a change supported by SlovakAid funds. It was compiled and published by Ambrela – Platform of Development Organizations and Institute for Circular Economy.
Textile and clothing industry: problems and solutions (2020)